2023 | Organizing | George Peck Marker | Rockville Lynchings | Our Community | Black History | Goals

The George Peck Historical Marker
With significant support from our statewide partner the Maryland Lynching Memorial Project, MoCoLMP raised $5,000 to fabricate the George Peck historical marker and to cover related expenses. Our members and our partner, the Montgomery County Commission on Remembrance and Reconciliation, also generously contributed. We worked closely with the Town of Poolesville, which not only offered us a site for the marker but also donated the labor to install it.

Elise Bryant leading the DC Labor Chorus and the crowd in song.
The marker was dedicated at a ceremony in October on the grounds of the Poolesville Presbyterian Church, across from the lynching site. More than 250 people came to hear inspiring speakers and music provided by the DC Labor Chorus. The History and Exhibits Committee of MoCoLMP produced a map tracing the path of George Peck before he was lynched. View it here.
Following the dedication, the crowd walked to Locals for a reception and the opportunity to talk to representatives of eight historic Black communities whom we invited to share their stories. Listen to their stories here.
See the gallery of photos here.

Pastor Howard C. Copeland

Rev. Glenn Taylor and Michael Johnson