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Remembering the
Rockville Lynchings

In November, MoCoLMP members attended the dedication of historical markers recognizing Mr. Sidney Randolph and Mr. John Diggs-Dorsey. Both men had been dragged by mobs from the jail, now the site of the County Council Building in Rockville, where the markers now stand.


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Jim Stowe, director of the Montgomery County Office of Human Rights and Aisha Satterwhite Chavers, vice-chair of the Commission on Remembrance and Reconciliation

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MoCoLMP member Noah Agboyibor (center) organized the conversation circles. (Photo by Derrick C. Tabor)

In advance of the Rockville dedications, Montgomery College and MoCoLMP held two conversation circles on campus to talk about Mr. Randolph and Mr. Diggs-Dorsey, who were lynched in the area. We continue to strengthen our collaboration with the college.

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Maryland Lynching Memorial Project, a 501(c)(3) corporation, is the fiscal sponsor of the Montgomery County Lynching Memorial Project. Your donations may be tax deductible.

Montgomery County Lynching Memorial Project

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All photos copyright 2023, Montgomery County Lynching Memorial Project

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